
$6.3 MILLION  Cash & Prizes Available

Your chance to participate … 300 Amateur Golfers shoot for $6.3 Million in cash and prizes!

Limited to 300 Amateur Golfers

When:  Saturday, June 7, 2025

Where:  Prairie Trails Golf Course

             El Dorado, KS  67042

Countdown to Tee Off

Far from just another golf tournament this is something unparalleled.  An incredible opportunity for any amateur golfer, at any skill level.  With seven distinct challenges to compete in, you will be able to showcase those skills that you have been working hard to improve with a real chance to walk away with some cash in your pocket.  Prizes range from $1,000,000 (20 yr annuity) to $100.  Designed to test specific skills from the driver to the putter.

Below you can check out details on the various challenges.  And don’t forget to check out the two great raffle opportunities.  Both raffles are available to the public and have a limited number of tickets , thereby increasing your odds of winning.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

What does it cost to sign up and play in the “Hot Shot Golf Challenge”?

   – Only $50 to compete in all 7 challenges

If I sign up and play in the “Hot Shot Golf Challenge” am I required to also purchase one of the raffle tickets?

   – No.  You are more than welcome to, but these are available to the general public.

Is there a deadline to sign up for the “Hot Shot Golf Challenge”?

 – Yes, the deadline is Thursday, June 5, 2025.

Is there a rainout date for this event?

 – Yes Sunday, June 8, 2025.

Do I have to be at least 18 years of age?

   – Yes, you must be at least 18.

Is this open only to amateurs, or can professional golfers play?

   – Only amateur golfers are allowed to play.

7 Distinct Challenges

$1 MILLION Hole-In-One – Challenge

Check It Out

50 ft Putt for a New SUV – Challenge

Check It Out

$250,000 Hole-In-One – Challenge

Check It Out

Longest Drive – Challenge

Check It Out

Closest to the Line – Challenge

 Check It Out

Chipping Contest (closest to the pin) – Challenge

Check It Out

Sand Trap (closest to the pin) – Challenge

Check It Out

2 Great Raffle Opportunities

Food & Beverages Available Onsite

Beer Cart and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Cart will be available on the course all day.

 Our Sponsors

El Dorado Main Street works to:

  • Preserve historic buildings
  • Attract businesses to the downtown
  • Produce family friendly free special events
  • Ensure quality experiences await residents and visitors in the Downtown District

El Dorado Main Street Fundraising Event

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